Get instant understanding of the weather situation in one scroll.
Compact view shows you only relevant time windows. Expand the timeline and review weather for the next 36 hours.
Highlighting TAF parts for your relevant time makes it easy to focus on what matters.
TAF segments are colored according to the minima which you can setup yourself. Sunrise and sunset depiction complete the picture on airport conditions.
Relevant time window for each enroute alternate is based on the distance from the route and from other enroute alternates.
Built-in algorithm can choose best enroute alternates along your route. You can modify this list to your liking or create your list from scratch.
You can import the ATC flight plan or full OFP including enroute alternates.
Aside from flights you can also create airport groups.
List all airports from your chosen country and choose which airports you want to insert to the group. Done.
Study airports in detail.
Use wind forecasts depicted on the timeline.
Check wind on runways from pilot’s perspective.
Swipe through relevant NOTAMS sorted by importance.
And there’s much more.
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